Furnished By Hand
To make handmade home decor furnishings that look professional, the crafting process needs to be done accurately.  This is easier to achieve using monocles or magnifiers, which bring your line of site closer to your home decor project work.  Here you will find the shortest ever guide about monocles and magnifiers for handmade home decor and furnishings.


A monocle is a circular magnifying lens. The lens usually has a wire ring around it. The wire ring is attached to a necklace, a chain or to a piece of string., which can be worn around the neck.
If your eyes get tired whilst sewing small stitches,  a monocle will magnify your view and relieve the eye tension that you may experience if you had to squint at your work.
When unpicking small stitches, for example with a small sharp cutter, it is much easier and safer for both your fingers and the fabric to use a magnifier to enlarge your view.
monocle on a black case
The frame of the monocle sits between the eyebrow and upper cheekbone. It has a a small extension, which holds the lens in place.
Whenever I am crafting, I keep my monocle on a necklace around my neck, as it is very light- weight and convenient to carry around with me.  I also make sure that I have one in my go-bag, just in case.

Reading Glasses

Reading glasses are great for hand-sewing, because they allow you to have an enlarged and clearer view of your stitches, in the same way that they magnify smaller text.  They can also help to protect your eyes from minute thread and fabric fibres. 
They needn't be worn all the time, and can be attached to a chain or a piece of string and worn around your neck for safe-keeping and easy access. 
When you are sewing outside in the sun, tinted reading glasses are a much better option.


A desktop magnifying glass, sits on your work surface and has an extendable arm which allows you to adjust the level of the glass.  It has a light which is powered by electricity, so you will need to plug the lead into a socket.
desk magnifier
hand held magnifiers
Hand held magnifying glasses come in all shapes and sizes. Some have a light, while others can fit neatly inside your pocket.  They are an important tool to have both in your craft space and in your go-bag.
In the event that you want to take things to a whole new level, you could go all out and invest in one of these delightful specialist magnifiers. 
You probably won't need one, but they look very cool and every one will want to know exactly what it is you are doing.
jewellery magnifier
Monocles and magnifiers are an essential tool for handmade home decor.  The entire process is made easier as you are able to view your home decor project closely, allowing you to craft with confidence.

Let us know in the comment section if you use monocles, reading glasses or magnfiying glasses, for better accuracy, while you craft.

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